Campus LifeNews

2018 Husky 100 announced

Eleven UW Tacoma students are among the 2018 cohort of the Husky 100 — the annual award composed of 100 students across all three campuses recognized for their unique experiences as a Husky.

April 12, Gerald Baldasty — provost and executive vice president of UW — sent an email to all UW students for­mally announcing the 2018 Husky 100.

UWT students in the 2018 Husky 100 cohort include: Beck Adelante, Brit Barn­house, Youcef Yacoub Bennour, Emily Clouse, Natalie Beth Garces, Angela Ramos Henderson, Tina Hernandez, Anneka Olson, Natalie Lawrence, Kendy Q. Trinh and Jordan Brown-Woolston.

The Husky 100 are able to participate in a celebration May 7 at UW Seattle in addition to getting a personal profile on the Husky 100 website, one year free membership to the UW Alumni As­sociation and the opportunity to par­ticipate in other exclusive activities.

Elizabeth Lowry, senior director of communication and marketing for the Office of the Provost at UW, said Bal­dasty created the Husky 100 award in 2016 to recognize current UW under­graduate and graduate students.

“He wanted to acknowledge a group of UW students who were making the most of their time at the UW through academics, research, service and leader­ship — and their ability to recognize and articulate the connections between what they are learning in academic settings and what they are learning outside of the classroom,” Lowry said.

For a junior, senior or graduate stu­dent to be considered for the Husky 100, they can either be nominated by a fac­ulty, staff, or community member or apply directly for the award without nomination. Students then fill out an application — consisting of personal essays about experience, their story at UW, letters of endorsement, and their resume or Curriculum Vitae.

Husky 100 application workshops were also held to assist applicants.

Faculty and staff members from all three campuses review the applica­tions, with teams of two reviewing about a dozen applications per team. A small group of reviewers finally de­cide between the applications with similar scores.

“The Husky 100 also serve to inspire other students at their campuses to make the most of their Husky experience,” Lowry said. “Each of the Husky 100 were selected for their demonstrated commit­ment to diversity, their capacity to lead and their innovative ways of thinking.”

John Burkhardt — associate director for communications at UWT — believes the Husky 100 award is important be­cause it recognizes being in college is about more than the classroom.

“College is about taking what one is learning in the classroom and seeing how it relates to life outside the class­room, and connecting one’s life outside the classroom back into one’s studies,” Burkhardt said.

Burkhardt also said that the Husky 100 represents what being a Husky at UWT means, since many students have extensive lives outside of campus.

“You carry the ideals of what Husky 100 stands for throughout your life: to your family, your job, etc.,” Burkhardt said. “The application process for Hus­ky 100 requires you to think through how you embody those ideals.”

View the profiles of this
year’s Husky 100 at