Husky resources available for your New Year’s resolution
It’s that time again — the start of another new year! It brings vast reflections of 2018, feelings of a fresh start and the declaration of bettering oneself — the beginning of the infamous New Year’s resolution. These self-improvement epiphanies often get a bad wrap, are criticized for being a cliche and are often times unachievable and forgotten by the time Valentine’s Day rears its head. However, with dedication and proper planning, transformations of oneself — both large and small — are easily attainable. It’s important to note that self-betterment can occur at any time of the year. Although the beginning of the year seems prime, everyone should move toward their goals at their own pace. Here are a few tips and tricks to keep your New Year’s resolution!
Productivity meets mindfulness in this relatively new journaling, organizational system. Requiring only a graph notebook and creativity, bullet journaling is a methodology that works to align the ‘what’ with the ‘why.’ It breaks the standard mold of journaling and differentiates itself from traditional organizational systems by incorporating the individual’s values, goals and physical and mental health into everyday tasks. In the digital world where a plethora of organizational systems exist, the nostalgia and quaintness of an analog system reduce phone usage and screen time, as well as allows for creative expression. The bullet journal helps people stay on track with their New Year’s resolutions as it serves as a constant reminder as to why those resolutions are so important. Check out for tutorials and ideas for setting up your own bullet journal this new year.
Did you know that UW Tacoma students have access to every YMCA nationwide? Whether you want to achieve fitness goals, improve mental health or make new friends, there are plenty of free resources available to students at the UWY. The University Student Center Y offers top of the line fitness equipment and group exercise classes — such as Yoga and Zumba — that are suitable for a variety of fitness goals. If you are strapped for time this winter quarter, try the MX4 group exercise class on Tuesday and Thursdays, 12:30–1:15 p.m. — the ultimate class for getting an all-body workout during UWT’s lunch hour. Rather than trying to achieve fitness resolutions on your own, the YMCA provides free consultations with a wellness advisor and a personalized fitness program through their FitPath system. Head to the YMCA website to view the winter group exercise schedule and book your FitPath appointment. The University Y is for students — make sure to take advantage of them to help you be successful with your New Year’s resolutions.
There are several readily available resources on campus that students can use to help keep their New Year’s resolutions on track. The reflection room in the University Y and the meditation room in the Mattress Factory provide students a safe space to engage in meditation or prayer or de-stress and reflect on resolution progress. If your resolution involves improving your mental health, the Counseling Center offers free, confidential counseling to help students work through a variety of personal affairs. The Counseling Center is an excellent space to talk through your personal goals and gain assistance in the best ways to achieve those goals. The Teaching and Learning Center is also another resource for students looking to improve their academic performance or stay on track academically this quarter. To help with that, the TLC offers free peer and student tutoring in a variety of subjects.
Don’t let the stress of being a college student keep you from achieving all of your resolutions — use the resources that UWT offers to let you be successful for the entirety of 2019.