Huskies in the Hallway: 10/15/18
This week, Leticia Bennett asked her fellow Huskies:
How do you de-stress from school?
“I destress by often times meditating instead of quickly rushing
home to study. I take a snack break and like to cuddle with my
cat because that really takes away 90 percent of my stress. I also
try to take my mind off things that stress me by enjoying my free time.”
“I listen to music, go to the movies, take a walk around my
neighborhood, listen to a lot of podcasts — anything to
get my mind off of school.”
“I play sports — soccer on the weekends — and take short runs
during the week.”
“I try to go to the gym and I also just meditate.
During finals week, I try not focus on anything else.”
“I go walk the dog, that often helps. I see friends and people
who are near and dear to me. I succeed in not looking at
school emails on Saturdays or after I get home in the evenings.”