Campus LifeNews

The answer to the Husky Promise disappearance

“The University of Washington is promising students a future. Husky Promise is our guarantee to Washington State students that we will not let financial challenges stand in the way of discovering their potential or achieving a UW degree,” the Husky Promise website says.

Yet, a UW Tacoma student disclosed that their Husky Promise was taken away from them without reason. This individual wishes to be unnamed as they are currently in the process of appeals.

Noticeably, tuition rates have increased this quarter and one can only assume, given the Strategic Plan and various other efforts to relieve students of the stresses they may face, that finances should be a top priority. Stripping that away from students is not at all what the Promise stands for.

The website also states that, “The Husky Promise guarantees full tuition and standard fees will be covered by grant or scholarship support for eligible Washington state students. You will not have to pay back these grants and scholarships. You can also be assured that if tuition increases, the financial aid you receive will increase as well.”

After speaking with Senior Financial Aid Advisor Tori Hill, it is clear that rumors of the Husky Promise being stripped away are not true. In fact, she says that the university was granted more money for students this year in an effort to reach more students.

“We gave more grants to more incomes students, so that it’s not just those in the lower class receiving the promise, but middle-class students as well. Students from all economic backgrounds should have the opportunity to attend the university and finances should be the barrier for students not to attend college.” Tori said that financial aid is confusing to many, and encourages students to talk to the advisors here to get clarification as to what is going on with the awards offered. “What has to be understood is that the Husky Promise is not just one grant. It’s a combination of federal and state grants – like the Pell Grant or State Need Grant. If a student thinks their grant is gone, we want them to talk to us and figure out what’s going on.”

If you see the sudden disappearance of funds from your account, talk with financial aid. They are more than ready to be of assistance. Also, note that the financial aid department can act as a liaison among other departments students may have issues with as well.

“We want students to focus on the academics. Understanding finances and dealing with them is our job.”