Arts & Entertainment

Analysis: ‘The Newsroom:’ An HBO series that changes the way we think about news

What if the news was reported incredibly well, with “no demographic sweet spot, a place where we can all come together.” What if this was the type of news station we all gathered around. Someplace where we could get facts and decency with no party biases getting in the way. Will McAvoy, the lead of “Newsroom” had this same dream.

“The Newsroom” was a short lived piece of HBO drama that young journalists dream of. The fast-paced fact checking, the witty banter with fellow employees, and a community of people all searching for the truth — what aspiring undergraduate wouldn’t watch this?

There are some series that make the audience want to take action. This television show inspires the younger generation by subtly pointing out problems in society. Similar to shows like “Mad Men” and “Grey’s Anatomy,” “The Newsroom” speaks to the youth of its day. While some may not fully understand the lure of a newsroom drama, what makes it so good is the way it looks into an ideal version of an industry that could use improvement.

The main criticism of this show (and there’s not many) is that it’s not realistic. “The Newsroom” may not be realistic, but that is the entire point. The purpose is to show people the disparity between the current state of media and what it could be if the news was reported ethically and level headed. The method behind this series is to show the viewer how the news world would be if high profile networks didn’t have to tow the party line, worry about profits, or have fair sources.

“The Newsroom” features a cast of talented, serious actors including Sam Waterston, Emily Mortimer and Olivia Munn. The writing of the show paired with the strong crew succeeds at creating a dignified yet witty and friendly feel to the show. The importance of the stories the show’s television network, ACN, reports on is balanced by friendly wit when the characters interact. There’s also a little piece of relationship drama with Maggie and Jim, because it wouldn’t be an HBO show without a touch of romantic drama.

The cast also introduces some amazingly strong women in powerful positions. It shows the reality of being a woman, as well as an executive. One example appears in season two.

Sloan, the economics anchor, is dragged by her wrist through the newsroom by her executive producer. She demands that “if [he] ever lead [her] by the wrist through that newsroom again, [she’d] take out each of [his] … knuckles with a ball-peen hammer.” While this is a very extreme situation, it shows the mistreatment that women often times have to deal with in the workplace.

“The Newsroom” calls attention to workplace harassment, especially with Sloan’s character — likely because she seems to go against all stereotypes. She is beautiful, smart, sarcastic, socially awkward, yet charming. Who better to spit in the face of female stereotypes?

“The Newsroom” is a brilliant drama on what our news could — and should — be. It is an intricate display of journalism and feminism that is definitely worth a watch!