Huskies in the Hallway: 10/8/18
This week, Alyssa Tatro asked her fellow huskies:
How can our nation better address the issue of sexual assault?
“By talking about the issue more and not sugar coating it.
Yes it’s a sensitive topic but when society is quiet about it,
I believe it causes the victims to be quiet about it as well,
and makes it harder for them to come forward to get help.”
“The first step to address sexual assault honestly is just
conversation, destigmatizing the whole ‘shame’ aspect
around the issue and promoting the vocalization of assault
victims. It all starts with communication in your community.”
“Long term, I think that the best way we can address it
is to teach youth their rights and discuss what consent
means at an earlier age.”
“By questioning the norms and stigmas that surround
sexual assault and challenge the power roles that are
often put into play. There’s a lot of favor towards those
with money and influence, and we let those figures get
away with it far too often.”
“We need to stop shaming people and shaming them into
silence, making them feel that they don’t have the right to
speak up and have their truth be known. These kinds of
patriarchal systems make everybody suffer.”
The Print version of this article incorrectly credited Fajar Lodhi as the reporter.