Students of Color Conference promotes diversity
Twenty UW Tacoma students will be chosen — based on application — to attend the 28th annual Students of Color Conference in Yakima, Washington.
Of those who apply, 20 will be selected to participate in the conference with no personal expense. Students will be expected to attend two meeting sessions prior to leaving for the conference and to share the knowledge that they receive after the conference.
Applications are available in the Office for Equity and Inclusion and are due no later than noon Jan.16. The application includes a basic questionnaire and four essay responses to see how engaged applicants are in the conversation of diversity.
The conference will take place April 12–14 in the Yakima Convention Center.
This conference is put on by the Multicultural Student Services Directors’ Council, which is made up by a group of directors of cultural centers throughout the majority of the Washington community colleges. The only universities that are invited to attend besides the community colleges are UWT and Evergreen State College.
Shaquita Humphrey-Pressley, Director of Equity and Inclusion, has attended the conference three times herself — two times as a student with Highline Community College and once as a student with UWT. This year she will be attending as an advisor and is excited to see what the students take away from the experience.
“Being there and being able to absorb the environment is empowering — it’s encouraging,” Humphrey-Pressley said. “I left with a new awareness around my identity and the fire was sparked in me to continue to explore that and be the advocate that concern students of color on campus.”
The three day event will get students inspired with panel sessions, workshops, speakers and small group conversations. There are five themes of the conference including: identity development, awareness of others, skills development, social justice and social activism, and personal development.
Students will be placed into their affinity group to explore their personal racial identity.
“You are there to do self-exploration and to learn about others,” Humphrey-Pressley said.
The conference is an opportunity for Washington state students to be more in touch with who they are and to become agents of change in a diverse climate. Both UWT undergrad and graduate school students are encouraged to apply to be considered for the opportunity to attend this conference.
“Every student would benefit from this,” Humphrey-Pressley said.