Arts & EntertainmentSpotlight

New Home for Art in Mattress Factory Hallway

Have you spotted the new installations in the MAT hallway? I found that the five images that are displayed across from the Tahoma West office are worth a look.

Ciara Swann’s What is Diversity captures the purpose of this project: to celebrate individuality as well as present the gestalt of our campus. Her piece is powerful, spirited, and positive. The outreached hands, the glistening lights, and the suspended globe represent diversity in an inspiring way.

Motion Walk by Gyeong Jeong Park (Adriana) & Sabina Rosenblatt is a very modern way of representing the passing of time. The image depicts time slipping away in the numeric form of a count down whilst a running figure symbolizes how to physically move through time as it ticks away. This image almost asks, “What do you do with your time? How quickly do you move toward what you want? What are you crossing into?” The filmstrip layout prompts you to travel through the series of images one by one which compliments the idea of time progressing. Motion Walk is simplistic, rich, and a wonderful representation of urban city life.

Headphones by Patrick Liu Pak Ming is composed of two photos that illustrate the contrast of wood and metal. It’s a well captured image that appears to have used one heck of a macro lens.

Jeremiah Arroyo’s Mother and Son in a Korean Sunset is striking due to the simplistic contrast of dark shadows and pastel background. Texture is added to this quiet moment as the caring pair are encased by intricate branches. Nature seems to support the mother and her son as the day melts into evening. When you stop to see this photo, be sure to notice how the angle of the mother’s cheekbone suggests she’s smiling down at her son. Overall, this photo radiates comfort and care.

Blue Angels by Edward Lee will catch your attention due to the high speed symmetry and the vibrant blue sky in which the jets take flight. The addition of this photograph to the gallery brings recognition to our service men and women who attend this campus.

There’s more to see in the MAT building, be sure to stop by and check it out!


Photo by Andy Cox