Pierce County food bank struggles with repeated Crimes
A local food bank has been experiencing a variety of crimes on site. Prevention measures are being taken by the owners, but the crimes continue.
By: Michaela Ely
God’s Pantry Food Bank in Graham, Washington has been the target of a series of break-ins and vandalism over the past several months. On Dec. 23, the gas line of their truck to pick up food had been cut, making it harder for them to serve people before Christmas.
There have also been thefts of food from their location at Benston Hall near Graham Fire and Rescue’s headquarters.
God’s Pantry Food Bank originally began in Eatonville and was conducted out of Director Chuck Williams’ son’s driveway in 2019.
The food bank is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization which is completely donation based and doesn’t require any information from those who use the food bank.
Over the years, the pantry has served at least three local counties, including some residents of Tacoma. People drive from at least 11 different towns to receive food.
“We don’t ask them for their address or where they come from, and we don’t check their finances or anything like that,” Director Williams’ wife, Gwen Williams said.

The break-ins began as early as May 31 of last year with two separate individuals breaking into their tent and meat freezer to steal meat and pastries, according to their Facebook page. They have since invested in security cameras, fencing and chains with locks and have caught some of the perpetrators on camera. However, they haven’t been able to catch the person responsible for cutting the gas line or the thefts.
“We’re gonna get the police involved and hopefully they’ll be able to monitor us a little bit closer,” Director Williams said.
The food bank is looking at building a physical location to help with the break-ins and has asked for help from the community with acquiring materials and assistance with labor.?
“We’re trying to get a building set to be built for us so we’re gonna be looking for volunteers to help build once we get the material,” Director Williams said.
The food bank is completely donation based and the prevention measures that they have added since the break-ins began have all come out of pocket. While they have received a couple of grants, most of them require money to be spent first, so the cameras and fencing, as well as more food were substantial expenses for the food bank.
“All donations go right back into the food bank to pay for food, loads, gas, insurance on the box truck, etc. We are trying to come up with materials to build a real building. The owner of Benston Hall has cameras up. We are talking about adding more,” Assistant Director Michele Benson told The Ledger.
God’s Pantry Food Bank is open Tuesdays and Fridays from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. and is located at 8120 304th St. E. in Graham. They also have a Facebook page where they post updates and ways to donate or volunteer to support the local community.