
ASUWT unveils roadmap: Pantry expansion, shuttle services, and more on the horizon

Committee members discuss initiatives to address food insecurity and enhance student safety, and urge students to actively contribute to shaping campus policies.

In a recent panel discussion hosted by the Associated Students of the University of Washington Tacoma (ASUWT) on November 29, 2023, key topics surrounding campus initiatives, pantry expansion, and student engagement were discussed, shedding light on crucial developments and ongoing efforts to enhance the student experience at UWT. 

One of the highlights of the discussion was the announcement of plans to relocate the campus pantry to a larger space in the upcoming Winter Quarter. This initiative aims to address concerns about the current pantry’s size and stock limitations. Despite the challenges, the committee is working diligently to ensure that the move provides a more accessible and well-stocked resource for students facing food insecurity. 

ASUWT is also actively exploring the introduction of an on-campus shuttle service to enhance student safety and accessibility. The proposed service is envisioned as a solution for students who feel unsafe walking alone on campus, specifically at night, providing a safer and more convenient mode of transportation. Additionally, discussions were held regarding the formation of walking groups for students who park their vehicles far from campus, fostering a sense of community and security during transit. 

Evan Campbell, a committee member, said, “The on-campus shuttle is not just about transportation; it’s about creating a sense of security for students. We want to ensure everyone feels safe moving around our campus.” 

During the discussion, there was a strong emphasis on encouraging students to actively participate in the decision-making process. Positions on various panels, such as the Student Safety Group and Budget Advisory Committee, are still open, and students are urged to contribute their perspectives to drive positive change. The committee believes that involving students in these panels is essential for making ethical financial decisions that impact the student body. 

Student government is hoping to get feedback from students on topics such as basic needs insecurities and how safe they feel on campus after dark. | Photo by Steph Caronna

Students were encouraged to provide feedback through surveys and forms to express their concerns and suggestions. The importance of student input in shaping the university’s budget, where tuition funds 62% of the budget, was emphasized. The panel also discussed the possibility of reducing credit requirements per quarter for students, recognizing the potential benefits in promoting student well-being and academic success. 

“Our goal is to create an environment where every student feels heard and supported,” said ASUWT President Holly Wetzel. “Moving the pantry and exploring the shuttle service are crucial steps toward achieving that goal.” 

The discussion concluded with an open invitation for students to join various committees, emphasizing the importance of student involvement in decision-making processes. 

For more information and to get involved, students were directed to reach out to committee members and explore opportunities for engagement.