April Fools SpecialsNews

The Ledger is getting a makeover

Our new overlords bosses have decided that it is time for a name change for the Ledger.

Managing Editor Madi Williams, Editor-in-Chief Madeline Hiller and Layout and Web Manager Morgan Morgans have taken over The Ledger and have made several key changes. 

Firstly, the Ledger is now going to be called the M&M&M Monthly. Secondly, the newspaper will now publish every month instead of every week.

“I think they’re becoming dictators really good bosses,” said Alex Buckingham, an opinion writer, “They’ve started to censor our articles and quotes from sources. It’s just not right.”

Hiller said in response to Buckingham that she could do whatever she wanted and then kicked Buckingham out of the office.

“The idea came from our three names and just grew from there,” said Morgans upon being asked for the inspiration behind the new name, “It just represents the most important parts of the newspaper: Madi, Madeline and me.” 

This change does bring up questions for some in the newspaper.

For example, Jaida Noble, illustrator, wonders how she will be able to do a month’s worth of illustrations in one week as that is the length of time given to the writers, photographers and illustrators to do a month’s work.

Williams said that the reason for this is that it means less work for Hiller and Morgans.

“If they are doing their stuff all in one week, then Madeline, Morgan and I have two whole weeks to get everything set up. It makes it much easier for us,” Williams said. 

Josephine Trueblood, the Arts and Entertainment Editor, has her own idea of the reasoning behind all these changes to the Ledger.

“I think they just snapped. I mean, they have so much pressure put on them, I think it finally got to them,” Trueblood said.

It is understandable that they could snap, but it leaves the staff of the formerly known Ledger in chaos and with a lot of questions. 

Some are considering leaving the paper entirely.

“I just can’t take being censored. What’s next, they start telling us what articles we can and can’t write? It’s just childish,” Buckingham said.

As a side note, this author was forced encouraged to do an article on the name change but, that’s neither here nor there.

Many think that this name change symbolizes a shift in the UWT student newspaper and its coverage of events, opinions and the arts. 

“I just don’t think we will be able to write fairly and accurately under Madeline, Madi and Morgan,” said Noble, “I am scared for my job and its safety under them.”

This will be a definite shift for the paper. 

“Please bear with us while we figure out our new direction and establish a new publishing schedule,” said Morgans. 

In case you didn’t realize, this article is very fake. None of the above is happening or was ever said by any of the people above. Happy April Fools!