
Husky 100: be boundless and run with the pack

Have that classmate or student that has helped you more than you thought and outshined your expectations? UW is opening up applications and nominations for the Husky 100 which is meant to honor those students.

From helping a classmate with a difficult problem in class, to taking notes for those who couldn’t be in class that day, to even arriving early to help the teacher with setup, we all know those students that are willing to go above and beyond to make our time at UW a special one. 

An email sent out to all UW students earlier this week gives the opportunity for us to recognize those students and classmates that have made our time at school a great one. The email, written by Mark Richards, the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs, talks about the Husky 100. 

Richards, in the email, writes, “Each year, the Husky 100 recognizes 100 outstanding UW undergraduate and graduate students who are making the most of their time at the UW.” To be nominated for the Husky 100, a student must be currently attending UW and must be a junior, senior, or graduate from any of the three campuses, which include Seattle, Tacoma, and Bothell. 

You don’t have to wait for a nomination either. Students are welcome and encouraged to apply themselves, but applications end Feb. 4th. The ability to nominate students continues until Jan. 21st, but you don’t need to be nominated to apply. They’re simply a good way to show your support for fellow students or for faculty and staff to recommend a student they might see shine in particular. 

Remember though, as Richards instructs in the email that was sent out, a single person can only nominate ten students, and you will need the NetID of the students you want to nominate, so plan ahead as much as possible.

Why bother nominating and applying? The Husky 100 isn’t just a popularity contest like some may believe. Richards states that, “In spring quarter, these 100 students will be recognized and celebrated across the UW. They will also have opportunities in the 2022–23 academic year to expand their networks with UW students, alumni, faculty, staff and business leaders.”

For those wishing to expand their network and broaden their horizons, it’s an indispensable opportunity, especially for those who might be going into expansive fields once they graduate. Remember, this isn’t about good grades. 

The Husky 100 is all about the students who take time out of their day to make a difference, whether that be in the classroom or off-campus. Be sure to visit the official site at in order to learn more about how to nominate, how to apply, and what determines those who are picked. You can also discover previous Husky 100 students.

So grab those NetIDs, which would be those official school emails without the “”, take a look around your campus and classroom, and honor someone who helped you out when you most needed it.