Make the most out of your student status
Being a UW student provides you with many benefits, but some valuable options are less known than others.
As we enter the school year, students will be grabbing their shiny new I.D. cards and claiming all the perks that come with them. But that card does more for you than most students realize. Most students already know that the card works as your bus pass with the U-Pass system, used to pay for items on campus, and with your tuition, gets you membership to the University Y. But, there are some perks that students might not realize they have access to, perks that are rightfully theirs.
First off, students have access to a lot of technology on campus. Outside of your standard electronic devices for checkout at the library and the desktops in various buildings around campus, you also have access to the Multimedia Lab located in the Cherry Parkes building. This building has a host of devices and applications to help you craft and edit videos, images, music, and just about anything else digitally creative.
Speaking of being digitally creative, as a UW Student you also have access to the 3D Printer in the Snoqualmie Library The library staff provides the necessary training for safety as well as the base materials for use, everything else comes down to your ideas and designs.
On-campus creativity isn’t the only option available to you. In fact, there’s plenty of off-campus perks to take advantage of. For example, right across the street from campus, the lovely Anthem Coffee that offers student discounts for anyone with a valid I.D, as do other businesses with the same policy.
Of course, for off-campus options, one of the greatest perks of being a UW student is free and/or discounted Museum admittance. The Washington State History Museum offers free admission for all UW students without any special timing. The Art Museum, right next door, offers discounted admission but it is free every third Thursday of the month. The Glass Museum nearby does the same, as well as offering free admission on Sundays as well.
These perks and more are available to all students so long as they have their UW I.D. and as a paying member of the student body, there’s no reason to let them go unused, so go out and reap the benefits to learn, earn, and enjoy your time even more as a student of UWT.
While not a comprehensive list, The Whole U website offers a list of discounts available to UW students, with the option to filter the list to your location so you can see what’s available in your area, all at this URL: