Tacoma Comedy Club’s The Dope Show is a must-see
Weed, jokes and drinks are all a part of Tacoma Comedy Club’s Dope Show Invitational. The marijuana centered show was performed on Easter, making it even funnier than usual.
The Dope Show is a Tacoma gem — comedians perform, go backstage, smoke the reefer, and then come back to do another set. Easter’s event was also The Dope Show’s annual invitational which features larger local comedians in an all or nothing contest. The prize was $1,000 and a dated (piece of crap) Jet Ski that ironically needed about $1,000 worth of work. Luckily, the comedians could trade in the Jet Ski for an added cash prize.
Unlike most Dope Shows, this year the comedians didn’t actually smoke backstage —that we know of — and instead talked about their love of the bud.
Ngaio Bealum talked about the monotony of chores and how weed helped him be productive, Monica Nevi discussed her social awkwardness and not wanting children, and Rocky Dale Davis talked about his home state of Alabama and all the stereotypes Alabamans hold. Other comedians of the night discussed their “weed resume” and what famous people they’ve smoked with. While mostly everyone had an affinity for weed, the show also featured several comedians whose focus was elsewhere.
Invitational winner Rodger Lizaola, who works as a chef when he’s not doing comedy, broke down racial barriers with his hilarious act focusing on race and white privilege in a way everyone could acknowledge and laugh at. Lizaola was of course elated that he won, and ultimately opted out of his Jet Ski prize. Lizaola plans on getting another tattoo with part of his cash winnings.
When Lizaola was asked about his success he said “Ngaio Bealum, I’ve known that cat for a long time, he was one of the first dudes I ever emceed for at my home club, The Comedy Underground, so to beat him it’s dope,” Lizaola said
“To get your name called in a winner take all is just awesome,” Lizaola said. Lizaola was even more proud of his win considering the tough competition he was up against.
For more information on The Dope Show, visit