Mexico’s thoughts on the potential ‘Trump wall’
Now that Donald Trump has won the election, his plan to build a wall on the border of U.S. and Mexico seems more of a reality than ever before.
Brandon Judd, Trump’s advisor on the wall, said on NPR’s Morning Edition, “The wall is going to be absolutely effective in certain locations. We do not need a wall along the entire 2,000 miles of the border.”
Prior to the election, Trump met with Mexico’s President Enrique Peña Nieto to discuss the potential wall in Mexico City.
Nieto told El Universal in a press conference, “I was very clear in public and in private to emphasize the fact that in Mexico, we feel offended and hurt by his statements about Mexicans. I expressed that we deserve respect, that we are honest, hardworking people, that we value our families and the culture of effort.”
Nieto also said on Twitter, “I congratulate the U.S. for its electoral process and I reiterate to @realDonaldTrump the disposition to work together in favor of the bilateral relation.”
Exit polls show that 32 percent of Latino men voted for Trump while 25 percent of Latino women also voted for him.
Trump’s plan to build a wall along the border of the U.S. and Mexico comes with mixed reviews. Mexican resident Ggamaliel Torres — who lives in Guadalajara, Mexico — owns a paint shop and doesn’t see a problem with the wall.
“I think the United States is now annoyed with dealing with so many people immigrating. The government wants to end all of that by building the wall,” said Torres.
Torres also said he believes Trump received such a large portion of the Latino and Hispanic vote because many Mexicans voted for Trump in order to force Nieto to deal with him.
On the other hand, Ester Rivera was more pessimistic on the wall. She’s a resident in Mexico who lives at a beach that is 30 minutes away from Colima. She is owner of a store and other properties throughout the area.
Rivera said, “The wall shouldn’t be constructed because many Mexicans that are in search of a better life won’t be able to cross over. As much as they extend their effort to keep out immigrants they will always find a way to get in.”
Rivera added, “The U.S. is made up of a big population of immigrants who contribute to the country. If they get kicked out, then the U.S. won’t do nothing in terms of jobs that nobody else wants.”