Campus LifeNews

UWT’s Winter Masquerade Ball

Friday night, February 6, Tacoma’s Theatre District was over-run with UWT students masked and ready for a good time; the 7th Annual Winter Ball: Masquerade had begun. Taylor Swift’s Blank Space playing and the lights dimmed students walked in heads bobbing and hands in the air. With 130 tickets already sold when the doors opened, the Students Activities Board (SAB) had their job cut out for them.

A photo booth and dancing, poker and pastries, raffles and red bull, UWT Students and friends could pick their poison when it came to the mischief and magic promised by SAB. All guest were offered one thousand dollars in “Funny Money” to spend at the mini casino or to purchase raffle tickets on the second floor of the Broadway Center. Being raffled off were a twenty-five dollar fan­dango gift card, a twenty-five dollar google play gift card, an SAB gift basket, a twenty-five dollar UW bookstore gift card, and a twenty-five dollar gift card for Bleach clothing. With a beautiful spread of pastries and chocolate dipped strawberries, SAB set the stage for a great time. Bystanders walking by peek­ing through windows and watched as students danced the night away.

As the night ended raffle prizes were won and SAB member Noah Son said regarding the event, “I think it went great to be honest, there were a lot of people that came out and the more people the more merrier.” I closed the night asking a variety of students how they felt about the event and what was their favorite parts. Freshmen Yana Kashtanova, said, “I liked the music and the food was very delicious…and Red Bull oh my God I love red bull.” Sopho­more Felicia Thornton said, “Oh I loved it, I had fun dancing.” Felicia’s favorite part was the casino. Junior Mony Sun­hang said, “Surprisingly it was really fun…the dance floor and the photo booth, that was best.” And Senior Ricky Goetz said, “It was a lot fun, it was fun hanging out with friends and dancing and things, seeing people get ratchet, it was nice, exciting…the photo booth was a lot of fun.” So all in all UWT students had a blast. I’m sure everyone who at­tended can’t wait to see how SAB tops this next winter.