
The Peace Bus: The Last 2 Years

Kwabi Amoah-Forson will be hosting a live-taped talk show November 16, that will center on the conversation of race and racism.

Join Kwabi Amoah-Forson, founder and creator of The Peace Bus, for the live taping of their new production, “The Last 2 Years,” on November 16 at the Washington State History Museum. This will be the first production of the show and will feature a variety of guests such as comedian Nate Jackson, rapper Travis Thompson and motivational speaker Amy Minh Hanh Corey. 

Tickets for the show are on sale now and reduced-price tickets will cost $10 for college students, but make sure to bring your college ID when entering the show. 

The Peace Bus has been a local and humanitarian effort led by Amoah-Forson who has overseen a variety of campaigns such as delivering socks to the homeless, driving across the country and giving books to children and Every Kid Eats, a campaign that got local Tacoma restaurants to provide food to children over the summer. 

You may often spot The Peace Bus driving around town. It’s hard to miss as it is a baby blue van with “The Peace Bus” written on the side.  

Photo by Kwabi Amoah-Forson via Facebook | Image of the upcoming event from The Peace Bus

This first episode, which Amoah-Forson will use to pitch to PBS, will focus on the ever-changing conversation of race and racism. While the discussion of race and racism may be a polarizing discussion for some, Amoah-Forson wants to make it clear that anyone can start these discussions. 

“The only way that we are going to go about bringing peace, is if we can speak freely about the subject and be as honest and truthful as we can,” Amoah-Forson said. 

The date of the show is also of significance to Amoah-Forson as it is November 16, a little over a week before Thanksgiving, when families will gather for the holiday and most likely will hold similar discussions around the dinner table. 

“I hope that the panels and myself can mimic a cordial conversation about a very polarizing topic in hopes that people will pick up on that and maybe have a peaceful conversation on Thanksgiving,” Amoah-Forson said. 

Amoah-Forson links the success of some of his earlier campaigns to the fun that having The Peace Bus around creates. 

“That’s the idea I’m bringing to the table, these necessities of life are something that doesn’t have to be dreary, it can be fun, educational, and uplifting,” Amoah-Forson said, reflecting on his summer campaign Every Kid Eats.  

Amoah-Forson is focusing on a few projects at the moment, such as obtaining his pilot’s license so that he can have a “Peace Plane” in the future, attending the Nobel Peace Prize ceremony in Oslo, Norway this December, and focusing on the future and hopeful success of the talk show for PBS. 

“Maybe this can be a platform to really get the message of peace out there, because [The Peace Bus] has always been a twofold program. One is humanitarian aid which will never go away, that’s the heart of peace. We can’t just talk about things; we have to do things. Also, bringing the conversation of peace out there so people can get engaged and speak about it,” Amoah-Forson said. 

Amoah-Forson is excited for the turnout and looks forward to the variety of voices and experiences individuals will bring to the show towards the discussion of race and racism. 

“Peace is exploration on the social front… I really love seeing people from all different walks, colors, and creeds coming together, it’s everything to me,” Amoah-Forson said.   

When asked what Amoah-Forson looks forward to the most with the special, he said, “Discovering peace, it’s the final frontier.” 

The show will be held at the Washington State History Museum on November 16. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. and the show begins at 6 p.m. To find out more or purchase your student tickets you can go here for more details: