Figure out your future path with Grit City mental toughness training
Grit City Mondays are weekly mental toughness trainings led by Travis Diagle, a personal development coach and motivational speaker in Tacoma and former Combat Veteran and U.S. Army Special Forces Medic. These trainings consist of how to deal with stress, mental wellness, obesity and debt. Grit City Mondays are hosted every Monday from 12:20–1:20 p.m. in the Tioga Library, room 307A.
On Diagle’s personal website, he defined his main objective “in any efforts of personal and professional development is to get individuals to embrace complete ownership of their current condition and get teams/organizations to create cultures of ownership.”
The most recent Grit City Monday focused on personal growth, with Diagle introducing a new term: “post traumatic growth.” During post traumatic growth, one takes a stressful moment in their life and learns how to grow from it. Diagle also introduced the four fundamentals of life — physical health (what we eat and how we exercise), resources for money and necessities, human relationships and overall happiness.
“Everybody has to deal with [the four fundamentals] on some level as far as you go through life,” Diagle said.
The session also focused on the topic of monetary credit and its importance within our society. Diagle emphasized the importance of paying off loans within certain time spans.
“That’s what I try to get people to think about because we don’t always spend time thinking about the long term ramifications of our decisions,” Diagle said. “Generally we are not a long game society.”
These sessions also feature a variety of life tips, including steps to paying off student loans. Rather than pay off student loans for the rest of one’s life, Diagle recommended that students consider spending only $15,000 per year for living expenses until their student loans are paid in full. This allows students to be debt free at a young age.
“You really have to project out to the future, the value of that moment today,” Diagle said.
Diagle suggest creating a roadmap — lay out your plan, think ahead, and determine the best path to toward your future goals.
To learn more about Diagle: