Huskies in the Hallway: 4/9/18
This week, Robbie Wood asked his fellow huskies:
Do you think the Walk Outs and March for our Lives were effective in promoting change?
And this is what they had to say:
Ragul Murali,
Sophomore, Biomedical Sciences:
“Yes, I believe so. It’s now young
Americans that are taking
charge and I thinkit’s a very inspiring
Karina Russu,
Junior, Accounting:
“Protests don’t make change themselves
but they bring a lot of awareness.”
Gertrude Kariuki,
Junior, Arts, Media and Culture:
“I feel that yes, it has promoted some
form of change especially now
that kids are involved.”
Wilder Garcia,
Senior, Computer Science:
“It’s alright but we shouldn’t wait
for a school shooting to make change.”
Deirdre Raynor,
Interim Assistant Chancellor for Equity & Inclusion:
“Yes, I think it’s good that young people
are taking a stand for what they
believe in.”