
Ledger Senior Goodbyes 2024

The Tacoma Ledger’s graduating seniors reflect on their time here at UWT and at The Ledger. 

On June 7, UWT will be celebrating and saying goodbye to the class of 2024. That very day many members of The Tacoma Ledger say their goodbyes to UWT and begin their new journey in life.  

These seniors dedicated their time and energy to report and capture stories that impacted UWT’s community and the world around us along with stories that brought smiles and hope to many. Here are their reflections on their time at the Ledger. 

Tin Tin Chien – Content Manager 

Photo by Elise Farmer.

Even though I was only here for a quarter, I was able to gain appreciation for the various writers, editors, artist and photographer for the Ledger as they have to put out weekly pieces with their accompanied creative pieces and photos. I know that every person at the Ledger has put all their strength into ensuring we have quality issues laid out each week.  

I want to thank my fellow coworkers Rebecca and Mark who come to the Ledger every week to do the same thing: ensure the Ledger is ready in online and print publications. Without them, the Ledger wouldn’t look as good as it does. They have done so much and I’m glad to be working with them even though it was a short amount of time.  

Of course, I want to thank Steph as they have been to mostly every Friday helping us with image finding, article editing, and filling up space in the paper. They always have kept me in contact with everything that’s going on as I’m not on campus a lot. Thank you, Steph.  

Then finally, I want to thank Daniel for his dedication to the Ledger as he helped me and the team in the beginning. Without him, I wouldn’t have the skills to make the Ledger pretty every week.  

This year has been hectic but so worthwhile so let’s hope the next is also! 

Celia Williams – Opinion Editor 

These last two years have been so fulfilling. I am grateful to have been able to have this opportunity in journalism. I have gotten to write about so much that I care about and found many more things to write about in the future. I will miss this work so much.  

Thank you to the opinion writers for such amazing work and for creating so much discussion on critical issues and for giving me the chance to learn to edit and read your work.  

Thank you to our Illustrator Cole, photographer Cameron, and past illustrators and photographers. My writing would never have had as much impact without your contributions. After all, a picture is worth a thousand words.  

Thank you to Steph and Karla for putting up with well… everything! 

I have enjoyed being able to write about a variety of things and sharing my perspective so publicly. I wish all my fellow huskies the best! GO DAWGS! 

Heidi Ortiz Candelaria – Arts & Entertainment Reporter 

It still doesn’t quite feel real that two whole years have passed by so quickly. Even more unbelievable is the fact that I’m so close to getting this bachelor’s degree I’ve worked so feverishly for. And damn, has it been hard!  

Working at The Ledger gave me a much-needed creative outlet. It helped me push through those all-nighters and hectic commutes. And more importantly, it helped me gain confidence in my own writing. 

I started off as part of the opinion column and ended in arts & entertainment. Being allowed to do so brought forth my new-found joy in writing about music and pop culture. I hope to be able to continue doing this into the future, alongside working on my own books! 

I am extremely grateful for the opportunity and for being kept on board for such a long time. I have grown exponentially as a writer, and I have all my senior editors to thank for that.  

Celia and Rachel, thank you for your support and for listening to my pitches! 

Steph and Karla, you were both an absolute pleasure to work with. Your advice was always spot on, and I truly feel better leaving now that I’ve experienced your guidance. 

I hope to continue supporting The Ledger from afar as I grow into new versions of myself.  

Shella J. Vasquez – Arts & Entertainment Reporter 

My time at the Ledger was short, yet sweet. I met an amazing group of passionate writers and had the opportunity to grow and challenge my writing in ways I never would’ve been able to outside of here. 

I want to thank the Ledger’s team for their hard work in writing, editing, designing and publishing. It takes a whole team to get each week’s articles out and I commend everyone for their dedication outside of their already busy lives. 

I want to thank all the writers for guiding and assisting me throughout my time, but I would especially like to thank Steph and Karla. It was with their kind words and hard work that I was able to present my best self through my writing. 

I hope each writer after the class of 2024 is blessed enough to have the same experience that I’ve had. Good luck to everyone, trust me, you can do it! 


Thank you Tin Tin, Celia, Heidi and Shella for everything you’ve done for The Tacoma Ledger! We will miss you and wish you luck in your future endeavors!