Huskies in the Hallway

Huskies in the Hallway: 1/14/19

This week, Mitchell Fermo asked his fellow Huskies

Would you break-up completely with social media?

Quonzale Spencer Freshman Undeclared

“No. The only reason I wouldn’t break up with social media is because it keeps me updated on news and disasters. The good of social media keeps us informed of the problems we face.”

Ernesto Posadas Freshman Undeclared

“I’ve already done it. Social media is a very toxic place where you are forced to compare yourself to other people. It can really lower your self-esteem and put your mind into a mental hole.”

Thomas Nguyen Sophomore Undeclared

“No, I would need a really good reason to completely break-up with social media. I don’t use it too much now, but it is important for growing your circle of contacts. It is a pathway to getting a good job, as well as being informed of current events.”

Tisiah Daguiar Senior Accounting

“Yes, I would break-up completely with social media. It has toxic implications and gives a false veil of reality. People like to present themselves as something they are not in this false reality.”

Dr. Joanne Clarke Dillman
Senior Lecturer Culture, Arts and Comm.

“I have almost broken up with social media. I find that it is all time consuming. I do not think I could completely break away from social media, though.”