Campus LifeNews

Deadlines for graduation and commencement are on the horizon

Undergraduate students wanting to participate in the 2018 June commencement must apply for graduation with their academic advisor by April 6.

Applying for graduation and commencement are done separately. Once the Registrar’s Office has receipt of the graduation application from an advisor, the student must then register for commencement online. The commencement application will become available in May and will be emailed to students.

Graduate students need to contact their graduate program advisor by April 20 to have their name listed in the commencement program. For undergraduate or graduate students not wanting their names listed, individuals must call the registrar prior to their respective registration deadlines listed above.

Heather Hucks, lead academic advisor in the School of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences, has advice for prospective graduates.

“The best advice for students is to look at their DARS frequently, stay in touch with their advisors throughout the year and apply for graduation two to three quarters prior to when they would like to graduate,” Hucks said.

Graduation advisor Lindsey Clark has similar advice for students.

“Run your DARs (Degree Audit Report) regularly and address any issues or questions with your advisor in advance of your last quarter,” Clark said.

Clark also suggested that students should make sure that they have set themselves up for communication between themselves and the university.

“Check your UW email,” Clark said. “If there are any issues we communicate through this email. Make sure your mailing address is up to date in your MyUW by the last day of the quarter to ensure proper delivery of your diploma.”

Keeping the lines of communication open may save students a trip to campus. According to Hucks, some students may be able to complete the graduation application online.

“Some advisors are willing to complete a graduation application completely via email,” Hucks said. “The student will need to check with their specific major advisor to see if they can apply for graduation via email.”


For more information, visit UWT’s Commencement website:
Visit the Registrar’s Office or email