
Services and Activities Fee Committee to Allocate Funds

The SAFC is preparing the bud­geting for the 2015-2016 upcoming school year for programs and ser­vices on campus. Students are in­vited to attend the proposal presen­tations for next year’s funding, to input their opinions. Two presenta­tions have already taken place, on Friday, February 27, and Friday, March 6. There will be one more on Friday, March 13, with presenta­tions from 9:30am to 5:00pm.

The Services and Activities Fee Committee reviews all requests for funding from Services and Activi­ties fees, recommends program priorities and budget levels, and serves in an advisory capacity to the Chancellor. The committee includes five to seven students, who are rec­ommended by the Associated Stu­dents of the University of Washing­ton Tacoma, and three non-voting ex officio members and a compli­ance officer. They decide which programs and services to fund, which is funded by UWT students. Students are urged to attend this proposal presentation so the com­mittee can hear from students about what programs and services they would like funded by their student fees. Currently, full-time students pay $159 per quarter, and part-time student’s fees are pro-rated. The Service and Activities Fee for the next school year will be decided in the spring quarter.

According to an email from Ed Mirecki, director of Student In­volvement, SAFC has received 16 proposals for the upcoming year, for services like the Diversity Re­source Center, the Childcare As­sistance Program, ASUWT, Student Theater Guild, and many others. Last year, the SAFC voted Tahoma West’s budget be cut down to $0. However, students stood up for the magazine, a student run literary arts publication that provides a place for students to express their creativity. Tahoma West submitted an appeal, and were able to get funds for the following year.

The last presentation is on March 13, from 9:30 a.m. – 11 a.m. for proposals from Registered Stu­dent Organizations, Student Theater Guild, and Student Engagement at the UWY 103, which is in the Uni­versity Y. From 3:30 p.m.-5 p.m. are proposals from Student Support Services, Bike Shop, and Center for Service and Leadership, at CP 103.